Exquisitely Beautiful Picture Books for FALL

“Onions were made into long ropes, braided together by their tops, and then were hung in the attic beside wreaths of red peppers strung on threads. The pumpkins and the squashes were piled in orange and yellow and green heaps in the attic’s corners.

The attic was a lovely place to play. The large, round, colored pumpkins made beautiful chairs and tables. The red peppers and the onions dangled overhead. The hams and the venison hung in their paper wrappings, and all the bunches of dried herbs, the spicy herbs for cooking and the bitter herbs for medicine, gave the place a dusty-spicy smell.

Often the wind howled outside with a cold and lonesome sound. But in the attic Laura and Mary played house with the squashes and the pumpkins, and everything was snug and cozy.”

~The Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Autumn has long been my favorite season. Fall Color. Boots and hoodies. Back to School. Hot apple cider and pumpkin bread. Halloween and Thanksgiving. I love it all. And now that I am a mom, Fall Picture Books have become a new favorite of the season! There are an incredible number of children’s books to celebrate Autumn, and we’ve FALLen in love with many! Over the past few years, I’ve checked out more than fifty Fall-themed books from our amazing library and we have selected our very favorites to share with you today. I’m even including a “cross-curricular” / nonfiction section to use as (or with) a Homeschool Fall-Science Unit Study.

Our Little Pumpkin

So brew some hot apple cider or hot cocoa and cuddle up with a few of these color-rich books to celebrate the awesome Autumn!

FALL FICTION; our Top-Picks by age

~ACORNS (under 3)~

Masting: Why acorns are fallings from trees at a higher than usual rate in  Minnesota | WCCO
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~PUMPKINS (ages 3-6)~

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*the title may say WINTER days, but it’s actually about all the lovely Fall days leading up to Winter . . . oh, and the illustrations are LOVELY.
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~SCARE CROWS ( ages 6+ )~

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~ACORNS (under 3)~

~PUMPKINS (ages 3-6)~

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feature photo credit for this post: readmeastorynow.blogspot.com


Thanks for reading!

Love, ~Our Holistic Homeschool~

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